January 2013

I’ve seen some satirical argumentation about whether hell, excuse me, Hell is exothermic or endothermic. In other words is it hot or cold. The answer I’ve found is that it’s […]

The latest from Jesus and Mo

One of my professors in the seminary used this argument in the “Issues and Origins” class. This was after the class had already convinced me of the truth of evolution, […]

The Catholic church throughout history doesn’t quite reach the level of being the embodiment of pure evil. The same applies for monasteries. Aside from rebelliously preserving literacy, literature, and philosophy […]

There is so much misinformation out there about vaccines, heck, I even came across some on my Facebook feed while working on this. So for starters let’s look the legitimate […]

Here’s the deal. I don’t understand small groups of protesters. A few people holding signs for the public is a good way to get your image on the internet – usually […]