The Solstice Rose

In May I shared the story of my mom’s December rose bud. Well, it’s back again this year:

The bud first appeared around the first week of December and this picture was taken a week or two ago. I just talked to my mom and it’s still just about the same as it was in the picture. In past years it’s had a full bloom (like it did last year), but it’s been a bit colder than normal this year and it’s frozen almost every night. Here’s a current screen shot of the weather in Grants Pass, OR where my parents and this rose live:

My mom’s on board with doing some experimentation on this to see if we can duplicate it. When she going to do some research and identify the best methods to reproduce this and try several of them. We may also try relocating some of the spawns to places like Seattle (warmer, wetter, and darker) and Boise (colder, drier, and sunnier). It should be interesting.

If it turns out to be a genetic mutation that we can reproduce anybody want to sign up for having your very own solstice rose?


  1. I'd be happy to try it, and I will trade my attack rose to her if she wants it.

  2. Attack rose?

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